
We Serve

We are unique in that we consult with both sides of arguments, fostering objective, evidence-based opinions for:

  • Defense Attorneys

    We work with defense attorneys to review the reliability and validity of the plaintiff's life care plan presented to them. We can utilize alternative medical opinions impacting care projections. We analyze the plaintiff's life care plan in light of standards set for the life care planning community.

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  • Individuals

    We work with individuals to plan care that promotes quality of life. We also provide teaching and advocacy services to help navigate our complex medical system. We can help with planning for future care needs in retirement, divorce, and estate planning.

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Serving the State of Texas

At MacKenzie Life Care Planning, we provide life planning services throughout Texas and to cities like San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denton, Lubbock, Midland-Odessa, San Angelo, and El Paso.

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Professional Life Care Plans in Texas

When you want future care projections delivered at the highest standard of professional quality, our team can help. If you need analysis of a life care plan, we also provide reviews. We can effectively teach decision makers about appropriate care needs and pricing.

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Vocational Assessments in Texas

When you need to know how a worker’s skills and abilities have been impacted by their injury, a vocational analysis can help. We analyze past wage loss, future wage loss, and the ability of the worker to return to the workforce based on their skills and abilities. This is used to determine an overall loss of earning capacity.

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Life Care Cost Estimates in Texas

When a full life care plan is not needed, but instead, an estimate of cost for limited items, such as a procedure or medication, a cost projection may be an efficient solution. If research is needed for a usual, customary, and reasonable charge, we can also help.

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Quality of Life Advocates in Texas

It is vital to have the support and guidance of a professional with medical knowledge and experience to provide the resources and outcomes you value. Compassion and collaboration guide our advocacy services.

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Life Care Planners


We are MacKenzie Life Care Planners. We cultivate quality of life. If you need answers and expert help to gain traction in your case or in your life with a disability, give us a call to see how we can help.

About MacKenzie Life Planners Brain Injury Expertise